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Art Deco Cameras


Here are the Art Deco Montanus cameras in my collection with date of introduction and film type.

I use a star system to rate cameras against their Art Deco credentials.

RatingArt Deco Credentials
star star star star starIconic: Famous, well-known and celebrated
star star star starSignificant: Pronounced and self evident
star star starNoteworthy: Worth giving special attention
star starAcceptable: Modest and restricted
starLimited: Minor and insubstantial




The Montanus company was founded in the 1920 in Solingen, Germany. Following WWII, it produced cameras for a relativley short period of time. The company produced artificial resin products and plastics but in the early 1950s, Herbert Potthoff decided to apply these techniques to camera production. Montanus Kamerafabrik started production as Potthoff & Co. in Solingen, West Germany. They produced a number of TLR and 35mm compact cameras until 1960. Later in the 1950s, the decision was made to focus more on 35mm cameras. In the early 1960s Montanus/Potthoff couldn't keep up with the (Japanese) competition any more and gave up the camera production.