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Art Deco Cameras

Kodak Six-20 Folding 'Brownie'


Kodak Six-20 Folding Brownie
Kodak Six-20 Folding 'Brownie'
Manufacturer: Kodak
Produced: 1948
Classification:Medium Format
Body Type:Folding Bed
Bellows Deployment:Self Erecting
Film Type:620
Film Width:62mm
ImageSize:2¼ x 3¼ in
No. of Images:8
Lens Type:Anaston f/6.3
Focus Type:Variable
Focal Length:100mm
Focal Range:4ft - inf.
Aperture Type:Iris
Aperture:f/6.3 - f/32
Shutter Type :Dakon
Shutter Speeds:T ,B, 1/50, 1/25 sec
Size Closed (w x h x d):90 x 160 x 36 mm
Size Open (w x h x d):90 x 160 x 135 mm

Art Deco Credentials

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Acceptable: Modest and restricted


The Kodak Six-20 Folding 'Brownie' was introduced in 1948 and was discontinued in 1954. It is a self-erecting folding rollfilm camera. The lever to open the camera acts as a table stand. There is a press plate under the lens to release the strut mechanism to fold the bellows into the body. The first model of this camera was called the Folding Brownie Six-20 and was made from 1937-1940.

This model has 2 shutter speeds (1/50s and 1/25s), as well as T and B modes. It has a fixed f/6.3 lens with a focus range from 4ft to infinity adjusted by turning the lens holder. A socket for remote shutter release is not provided.

A pop up finder is attached to the side of the camera. There is single tripod mount for portrait mode on the base plate. The red window has a swinging cover.

How to Use

This camera takes 620 film which is still available from selected photographic outlets. Although the actual film is the same as 120 film, the spools are different. The 620 spools are slightly shorter and have a smaller diameter. Do not use 120 film in this camera because it will jam and may snap. It is possible to cut down a spool of 120 film to fit or to re-spool some 120 film onto 620 spools in a darkroom or changing bag.

It is advisable to cover the red window except when winding film in low light.

As the shutter speed is low, it is advisable to use a tripod or hold it against a wall or other solid object to get shake-free images. For quick snapshots, hold it firmly against your head.

I suggest you use ISO 100/125 film

The table shows how this camera will perform using ISO 100/125 film. It is based on the 'Sunny 16' rule. Modern film is so forgiving and will produce acceptable results even when overexposed by 2 or 3 stops or underexposed by 1 stop.

The tables assume that the sun is at least 30 degrees above the horizon - that's 10am - 5pm on a summers day (May-August) in the UK.

Remember that the exposure guide in the manual may not be helpful as it is based on the use of old film with a low ISO value.

Using ISO 100/125 film

Weather ConditionsShadow DetailShutter Speed (s)
with sharp edges
Slight OvercastSoft around edgesf/22f/16
OvercastBarely visiblef/16f/11
Heavy OvercastNonef/11f/8
Open Shade