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Art Deco Cameras


Here are the Art Deco Irwin cameras in my collection with date of introduction and film type.

I use a star system to rate cameras against their Art Deco credentials.

RatingArt Deco Credentials
star star star star starIconic: Famous, well-known and celebrated
star star star starSignificant: Pronounced and self evident
star star starNoteworthy: Worth giving special attention
star starAcceptable: Modest and restricted
starLimited: Minor and insubstantial


star star star
Dual Reflex


Irwin Corporation was a camera maker based in New York, America. They were famous for making a number of cameras shaped like a sardine can. These included the Kandor, Kandor Jr, Kandor Komet and the Lark. Some of the originals may actually have been made of sardine cans. They made a number of Pseudo TLRs including the Dual Reflex, Irwin Reflex and the Super-Tri-Reflex. They also made 16mm movie cameras branded the "Irwin Imperial.